Special Prize Winner - Category: Feeling at home

Special Prize Winner - Category: Feeling at home
Located on a gently sloping hillside, this single-family house in Mallorca interprets the classic type of courtyard house in a contemporary manner. In the models that TEd'A arquitectes refer to, architecture is built upon a square, without having to strictly and dogmatically follow geometry. Sealed off from the outside for the most part, the classic courtyard houses reveal a variety of spaces, paths, plants, closed, open, and covered places: arcades, porches, terraces. TEd'A arquitectes also use this type to fit the house into the landscape: Stones of the property are integrated in the outer concrete walls; with the green roofs, the house becomes a part of the cultural landscape that is carried forward with it.
The construction design and the building materials are applied with great directness and coordinated so that the interior spaces look like outdoor spaces pulled inwards - and the other way around. The walls are made of bricks, partly out of clay bricks. They are painted white in the interiors; in the exterior spaces their bright, reddish earth tone is slightly softened with slurry, so that the craftsmanship communicated does not disappear, but also does not come to the fore in a dominant way.