Submission process

The submission period for Brick Award 26 will start in December 2024

Stay tuned for award information on InstagramLinkedIn and Facebook.

Brick Award 24 nominees are online since October 2023.

The winners have been revealed in our great ceremony in June 2024 in Vienna.


Here you can find the 50 nominated projects of Brick Award 24.

 Here you can see the Brick Award 24 winners.


Brick Award 24 Nominee Couche Housing, Category Living together, Architect: Studio Vincent Eschalier
Brick Award 24 Nominee Couche Housing
© Axel Dahl
Brick Award 24 Nominee M 5605, Category Living together, Architect: Estudio Arqtipo
© Federico Kulekdjian

Submission process

Submission via online template

The submission period for our Brick Award 24 is over. Stay tuned for news on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.

For Brick Award 26 submission period will start in December 2024.

The participation is free of charge.

Participants are asked to fill out an online template comprising of basic project data, a short informative text describing the project, as well as uploading pictures and plans of the building. By submitting, participants consent to the submission and having this published at a later stage.



Brick Award 24 Nominee International Rugby Experience, Category Sharing public spaces, Architect: Niall McLaughlin Architects
© Nick Kane

Assessment Criteria

Assessment criteria include an innovative design and architecture concept, skillful and innovative use of bricks as well as architecture quality in terms of aesthetics, shape and configuration of the project. Special attention is also directed to sustainability, climate resilience, energy efficiency, affordable living – the adequacy of the project in relation to its intended purpose, building type and cultural context.

The winners of the Brick Award are announced biennially at an award ceremony and presented, along with the 50 nominations in the accompanying Brick Book. Winning projects are endowed with price money and can be found all over the world. The first Brick Award in 2004 was won by Josef Pleskot in Czech Republic with his beautiful solution for a pedestrian passage in a castle park. In the following years the Grand Prizes went to Hungary, Germany, Liechtenstein, South Africa, Thailand, Spain, Austria, Great Britain, Switzerland , Poland  and in 2022 to China!


Brick Award 24 Nominee Kithara Music Kiosk, Category Building outside the box, Architect: TO
© Jaime Navarro

Award categories

Categories for nomination

  • Feeling at home: single-family houses, semi-detached houses and small housing projects of high architectural quality that provide comfortable,  affordable, healthy, & sustainable living spaces with focus on energy efficient solutions.

  • Living together: innovative residential solutions taking into account the trends & challenges of urbanisation such as scarcity of space, energy efficiency and climate resilience, social challenges as well as new living concepts
  • Working together: comfortable, aesthetic, energy efficient and functional commercial buildings, offices and industrial buildings

  • Sharing public spaces: functional, energy efficient, aesthetic and adequate to its purpose public buildings for education, culture & healthcare, public places and infrastructure projects

  • Building outside the box: innovative concepts with focus on circular building solutions, energy efficiency and ways of using brick, use of new construction technologies, special brickworks, custom-made bricks & new ornamentation

    The award categories can be subject to slight changes depending on the year and the development of trends and current topics.

Brick Award 24 Casa Dosmurs, Category Feeling at home, Architect: Mesura
© Maxime Delvaux

Award Criteria

Criteria for participation

  • A significant part of the project must consist of clay building materials (clay blocks, facing bricks, clay pavers, clay roof tiles, clay façade panels etc.)
  • One of the nomination categories must apply to the project
  • The project can comprise newly constructed, refurbished and converted buildings
  • The project can include new and reused bricks
  • Special attention will be directed to how the project combines functionality, sustainability, climate resilience, affordable living and energy efficiency
  • The adequacy of the project in relation to its intended purpose
  • The use of Wienerberger products is not a relevant factor for participation

Brick Award 24 Nominee Dining Space at Deva Dhare, Category Building outside the box , Architect: Play Architecture
© Bharath Ramamrutham

Award Prize

What awaits the winner

The award is endowed with prize money of 7.000 Euro for the Grand Prize Winner (incl. Category Winner) and 5.000 Euro for each of the remaining four Category Winners.

Brick Award 24 Nominee International Rugby Experience, Category Sharing public spaces, Architect: Niall McLaughlin Architects
© Nick Kane

View the winners of the Brick Award 24